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A 4-polytope, also known as a polychoron, polycell, or polyhedroid, represents a four-dimensional polytope. This geometric entity is both connected and closed, comprising various lower-dimensional polytopal components, including vertices, edges, faces (polygons), and cells (polyhedra). It is worth noting that each face of a 4-polytope is shared by precisely two cells. The discovery of 4-polytopes dates back to before 1853 by Ludwig Schläfli, a prominent Swiss mathematician.

Regular 4-polytopes

A regular 4-polytope refers to a regular polytope in four dimensions. These remarkable structures are the four-dimensional counterparts of regular polyhedra in three dimensions and regular polygons in two dimensions.

In total, there exist sixteen regular 4-polytopes, comprising six convex polytopes and ten star polytopes. The convex polytopes possess a fully enclosed and convex shape, while the star polytopes exhibit a more intricate and star-like configuration.

Regular convex 4-polytopes


In the mid-19th century, Ludwig Schläfli, a Swiss mathematician, provided the initial description of convex regular 4-polytopes, identifying precisely six such figures.

The convex regular 4-polytopes serve as the four-dimensional counterparts to the Platonic solids in three dimensions and the convex regular polygons in two dimensions.

Among the six regular convex 4-polytopes, five exhibit clear analogies to their corresponding Platonic solids. However, the sixth one, known as the 24-cell, lacks a direct regular analogue in three dimensions. Nonetheless, a pair of irregular solids, namely the cuboctahedron and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron, offer partial analogues to the 24-cell in complementary ways. Together, they can be seen as a three-dimensional analogue of the 24-cell.

Each convex regular 4-polytope is enclosed by a collection of three-dimensional cells, all of which are Platonic solids sharing the same type and size. These cells are systematically arranged, fitting together face-to-face in a regular manner.

5-cell, pentachoron, pentatope, 4-simplex


In the realm of four-dimensional geometry, the counterpart of the tetrahedron finds its representation in the 5-cell, alternatively known as the pentachoron, pentatope, or the 4-simplex.

The Schläfli symbol for the 5-cell is \(\{3,3,3\}\).

Vertex-first projection:



Orthogonal projection:



16-cell, hexadecachoron, 4-orthoplex


The 16-cell, stands as a regular convex 4-polytope and serves as the four-dimensional counterpart to a Platonic solid. It is one of the six regular convex 4-polytopes initially described by Ludwig Schläfli, the Swiss mathematician, during the mid-19th century. Additionally, it is alternatively known as the hexadecachoron or the 4-orthoplex, as named by John Horton Conway.

This polytope belongs to a family of polytopes referred to as cross-polytopes or orthoplexes and draws an analogy to the octahedron in three dimensions.

The Schläfli symbol for the 16-cell is \(\{3,3,4\}\).

Vertex-first projection:


Three different orthogonal projections (same for all three):




8-cell, octachoron, tesseract, 4-cube


The 8-cell, or tesseract represents the four-dimensional equivalent of a cube, analogous to how a cube relates to a square. Just as a cube comprises six square faces, a tesseract’s hypersurface consists of eight cubical cells. The dual polytope of a tesseract is known as the 16-cell.

The Schläfli symbol for the 8-cell is \(\{4,3,3\}\).

Cell-first projection:


Vertex-first projection:



24-cell, icositetrachoron, octaplex, polyoctahedron


The boundary of the 24-cell consists of 24 octahedral cells, with six cells converging at each vertex and three cells meeting at each edge. This arrangement yields a total of 96 triangular faces, 96 edges, and 24 vertices. Notably, the vertex figure of the 24-cell takes the shape of a cube. Remarkably, the 24-cell possesses self-duality.

Unlike the other five convex regular 4-polytopes, the 24-cell does not have a direct counterpart among the five regular Platonic solids in three dimensions. It stands as a unique regular polytope that lacks a regular analogue in the adjacent dimension, whether lower or higher. However, it can be understood as the analogue of a pair of irregular solids: the cuboctahedron and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron.

The Schläfli symbol for the 24-cell is \(\{3,4,3\}\).

Cell-first projection:


Vertex-first projection:


600-cell, hexacosichoron, tetraplex, polytetrahedron

The 600-cell’s boundary consists of 600 tetrahedral cells, with 20 cells converging at each vertex. This arrangement gives rise to a structure comprising 1200 triangular faces, 720 edges, and 120 vertices. In essence, the 600-cell serves as the four-dimensional analogue of the icosahedron, mirroring the icosahedron’s characteristic of five triangles converging at each vertex. The dual polytope of the 600-cell is known as the 120-cell.

The Schläfli symbol for the 600-cell is \(\{3,3,5\}\).

Vertex-first projection:



120-cell, hecatonicosachoron, dodecacontachoron, dodecaplex, polydodecahedron

The boundary of the 120-cell consists of 120 dodecahedral cells, with four cells converging at each vertex. This configuration results in a structure comprising 720 pentagonal faces, 1200 edges, and 600 vertices. In terms of analogy, the 120-cell serves as the four-dimensional counterpart to the regular dodecahedron. Just as a dodecahedron features 12 pentagonal facets, with three facets around each vertex, the 120-cell exhibits 120 dodecahedral facets, with three facets around each edge. The dual polytope of the 120-cell is the 600-cell.

The Schläfli symbol for the 120-cell is \(\{5,3,3\}\).

Cell-first projection:

